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The component of the operating model that controls biological dynamics, i.e., natural production.


Various parameters can be stochastic (length nsim) or input as a single numeric (value identical across all simulations).



Character. Identifying name


Integer. The maximum age of the population age structure.


Either vector by age (length maxage) or an array with dimension [nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears]. The proportion mature by age.


Character, stock-recruit relationship for density-dependent smolt production. Either "BH" (Beverton-Holt) or "Ricker"


Vector length nsim. The asymptote of the Beverton-Holt stock-recruit function, or the Ricker maximum for density-dependent natural smolt production from egg production. Units of smolts.


Vector length nsim. The adult productivity ratio for the stock-recruit function. Natural per-capita production of recruits as the population approaches zero (density-independent component). Units of recruits per spawner. In stage-based models, equivalent to the product of smolt productivity (smolts per spawner) and marine survival.


Vector length nsim. The spawning output that maximizes smolt production in the Ricker stock-recruit function. Units of egg production.


Optional parameter, vector length nsim. Unfished egg production rate per smolt. The alpha parameter of the stock-recruit function will be the ratio of kappa and phi. In stage-based models, the product of marine survival, fecundity, and proportion female. If not provided, phi will be calculated from Mjuv_NOS corresponding to the first year.


Either vector by age (length maxage) or an array with dimension [nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears]. Natural mortality of immature natural origin fish. To replicate the SAR parameter of a stage-specific model, set Mjuv_NOS[a] = -log(SAR) where a is the age class prior to maturation (and zero for all other ages).


Vector by age (length maxage). Female fecundity of natural origin spawners.


Numeric. The proportion of females in the spawning population. Default is 0.5.


Numeric. Survival of escapement to the spawning grounds (for spawning and for broodtake). Default is 1.

Creating Object

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("Bio")


#> Class "Bio" [package "salmonMSE"]
#> Slots:
#> Name:            Name         maxage       p_mature          SRrel
#> Class:      character        numeric      num.array      character
#> Name:  capacity_smolt          kappa           Smax            phi
#> Class:        numeric        numeric        numeric        numeric
#> Name:        Mjuv_NOS            fec       p_female      s_enroute
#> Class:      num.array        numeric        numeric        numeric
#> Extends: "Bio.list"