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The component of the operating model that controls the hatchery management.


Various parameters can be stochastic (length nsim) or input as a single numeric (value identical across all simulations).

A description of the fitness parameters and hatchery dynamics is available in the online documentation.



Character. Identifying name


Numeric. The number of yearlings released. No hatchery is modeled if both n_yearling and n_subyearling are zero.


Numeric. The number of subyearlings released. No hatchery is modeled if both n_yearling and n_subyearling are zero.


Numeric. The survival of broodtake prior to egg production. 1 - s_prespawn is the proportion of fish not used for hatchery purposes, e.g., mortality or other resesarch purposes. Used to back-calculate the broodtake from n_yearling and n_subyearling.


Numeric. The survival of eggs to the smolt life stage (for yearling release). Used to back-calculate the broodtake from n_yearling and n_subyearling.


Numeric. The survival of eggs to subyearling life stage (for subyearling release). Used to back-calculate the broodtake from n_yearling and n_subyearling.


Either vector by age (length maxage) or an array with dimension [nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears]. Natural mortality of immature hatchery origin fish. To replicate the SAR parameter of a stage-specific model, set Mjuv_HOS[a] = -log(SAR) for the age class prior to maturation (and zero for all other ages).


Numeric. The relative reproductive success of hatchery origin spawners (relative to natural origin spawners).


Numeric. The maximum proportion of the natural origin escapement to be used as broodtake.


Numeric. The target proportion of the natural origin broodtake relative to the overall broodtake.


Numeric. The proportion of the hatchery origin escapement that return to the hatchery, for example, by removal from spawning grounds or swim-in facilities. These fish are available for broodtake.


Numeric. The proportion of the hatchery origin escapement to be removed from the spawning grounds (in order to ensure a high proportion of NOS). These fish are not available for broodtake. For example, a value less than one can represent imperfect implementation of weir removal.


Vector of length maxage. The fecundity schedule of broodtake to calculate the total egg production for the hatchery.


Character vector length 2. The fitness function to apply in the natural and hatchery environment, respectively. For each, either "Ford" or "none".


Vector length 2. The optimum phenotype value for the natural and hatchery environments.


Vector length 3. The loss in fitness apportioned among the egg, fry, and smolt life stages. The three values should sum to 1.


Vector length 2. The mean phenotype value in the natural and hatchery populations at the start of the projection.


Numeric. The variance of the phenotypic trait. Assumed identical between the natural and hatchery environments.


Numeric. The ratio between the fitness standard deviation and the phenotype standard deviation.


Numeric. The heritability of the phenotypic trait. Between 0-1.


Numeric. The minimum fitness value in the natural and hatchery environments.

Creating Object

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("Hatchery")


#> Class "Hatchery" [package "salmonMSE"]
#> Slots:
#> Name:                Name         n_yearling      n_subyearling
#> Class:          character            numeric            numeric
#> Name:          s_prespawn        s_egg_smolt  s_egg_subyearling
#> Class:            numeric            numeric            numeric
#> Name:            Mjuv_HOS              gamma           pmax_NOB
#> Class:          num.array            numeric            numeric
#> Name:         ptarget_NOB          phatchery        premove_HOS
#> Class:            numeric            numeric            numeric
#> Name:           fec_brood       fitness_type              theta
#> Class:            numeric          character            numeric
#> Name:            rel_loss         zbar_start   fitness_variance
#> Class:            numeric          num.array            numeric
#> Name:  selection_strength       heritability      fitness_floor
#> Class:            numeric            numeric            numeric
#> Known Subclasses: "SOM"