The component of the operating model that specifies the historical dynamics.
Character. Identifying name
Array by
[nsim, maxage, nyears, 2]
. Spawners at age in the natural environment. For the fourth dimension, the first array corresponds to natural origin spawners and the second array corresponds to hatchery origin spawners. OptionalHistN
Array by
[nsim, maxage, nyears+1, 2]
. The abundance of immature fish at the beginning of the annual time step. For the fourth dimension, the first array corresponds to natural origin fish and the second array corresponds to hatchery origin fish. Default assumes 1000 smolts (age-1) fish annually.HistFPT
Vector by historical years (
) or an array by dimension[nsim, nyears, 2]
. The instantaneous fishing mortality in the preterminal fishery. The first array slice corresponds to F for natural origin fish and the second array slice corresponds to hatchery origin fish. Default is zero.HistFT
Vector by historical years (
) or an array by dimension[nsim, nyears, 2]
. The instantaneous fishing mortality in the terminal fishery. The first array slice corresponds to F for natural origin fish and the second array slice corresponds to hatchery origin fish. Default is zero.